A month after becoming an EESTEC JLC Karlsruhe member, I applied for a Workshop called: “StartUp Upcoming Technologies “ in Zurich. The topic of the Workshop was interesting for me and hit close to home. My family, once upon a time, also had a StartUp and I always thought that with more practice and knowledge about the process, they would have had a much more successful business. Other than that, me being a foreigner in Germany, I wanted to have a backup plan in case I found it hard to get a job in a corporation afterwards and just learn some new tricks.
I packed a bag and off I went. After arriving there the organizers were waiting for us already at the station and took us to the bunker. Before that, I had no idea what a bunker is and how it looks like. And I was amazed. It was a great opportunity for us, 15 strangers and a bit over 15 organizers to get to know each other better and have more fun.
Every week day had a few hours of academic program where we met successful StartUps and learned how they did it, got some contacts and tips.
Amazing Zurich parties certainly didn’t hurt. We got to go to the famous Tram Party, see the beautiful Zurich and ETH.
Apart from that, we got to know people from different countries with different backgrounds and ideas. Knowing that I have a place to stay in over 10 countries now is by itself amazing and offers so much motivation for future events.
But, everything has to come to an end. They made us even sadder by taking us to the Alps for the weekend where we climbed the mountain tops, had amazing Swiss cheese of over 10 different tastes and enjoy the snow in Mai.
My journey in EESTEC has just begun and I cant wait to see if some other LC can give Zurich a run for their money.
Well, LC Karlsruhe certainly can.
Start Up Lab: Upcoming Technologies by LC Zurich (Katarina)