Electrical Engineering Students’ European Association is an apolitical, non-governmental and non-profit organization which targets and trains through its activities students from electrical profile Universities, Institutes and Technical Schools in Europe. The association was founded in The Netherlands, in 1986. Nowadays, EESTEC is present in 28 countries and in over 50 universities across Europe with over 4000 members of whom 3000 are currently active, and indirectly, EESTEC is addressing all students in the faculties that EESTEC exists. The association is represented by three types of local branches: Observers, Junior Local Committees and Local Committees.
EESTEC creates opportunities for students to reach their potential in academic, professional and social life.
Be an engineer. Improve yourself. Travel.
That is our mission. We offer our members professional competence, soft skills and international networking possibilities through various events and programmes that EESTEC organises.
Work on application driven projects on our academic workshops. Improve your soft skills in every possible way through our training system. Travel throughout Europe and get to learn the different cultures and nations on this beautiful continent. Get to know brilliant young engineers from all across Europe and establish important contacts both from prestigious universities as well as major companies.

International Events
They are organised by EESTEC Local Committees in 50+ cities and 28 countries in Europe. These include: EESTEC Workshops, Exchanges, IMWs (International Motivational Weekend), EESTEC Congress and much much more. Read reviews from EESTEC members from Karlsruhe.
Local Events
We usually meet every Tuesday at 19h in the ETI Seminarraum (EESTEC Teamtreffen), Geb 11.10 on KIT Campus Süd and discuss the current projects. You are welcome to join us!

EESTEC LC Karlsruhe is consisted of a group of highly motivated students ready to make something special in Karlsruhe. Founded only in April 2015, we have gathered more than 100 members by the end of 2016. As an EESTEC Local Committee (LC), our members have the right to participate in EESTEC events in all of Europe. We have organised two international academic workshops with the topics of electric mobility and medical engineering.
In addition to international and local events, we offer a direct contact between interested companies and students at the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology and on 52 further universities in Europe where EESTEC is represented. Our members are informed of all our events by a mailing list and they can choose which event suits them best. Membership is completely free. We are always searching for motivated students for our fundraising, PR, IT and HR team. If you are considering being an active member of any group on KIT, now is the time.