SKILL ACADEMY 2019 - more than engineering
June 2019

Self-Management, Assessment Center Training, Scrum, Bewerbungen und zwei Hackathons - Das sind die Themen der Soft- und Hardskillworkshops, die im Rahmen der Skill Academy 2019 in Kooperation mit ABB, Agilent, A.S.I., bridgingIT, Novatec und Rexroth stattfinden werden.
Stayin' alive - International Workshop
June 2018

Thirteen young engineers from all over Europe experienced the latest research in the field of medical engineering in LC Karlsruhe's second international workshop.
SKILL ACADEMY 2018 - more than engineering
May 2018

Assessment center training, design thinking, executable BPMN processes, scrum, thesis guide and XING - those were the topics of the softskill trainings and hardskill trainings that were provided to Karlsruhe students in cooperation with Agilent, bridgingIT, MLP, Rexroth and 1&1.
EESTEC Regional Exchange for Cooperation 2017
October 2017

ERECtion is an annual meeting of the local committees of EESTEC of Karlsruhe, Ljubljana, Milano, Munich, Trieste, Vienna, and Zurich. Main topics discussed are Communication and Cooperation between the LCs and common projects.
SKILL ACADEMY 2017 - more than engineering
May 2017

3D printing, assessment center training, artificial intelligence, time management and decision making - those were the topics of the softskill trainings and hardskill trainings that were provided to Karlsruhe students in cooperation with Consileon, EOS and Bosch Rexroth.
ELECTRIFY - mobility of tomorrow
June 2016